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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Not Noel Waters

The people of Carson City cast their votes and kept Noel Waters off the bench. Good luck to Jim Wilson, whom I don't oppose or endorse.

Now Mr. Waters should be removed from his position as pro-tem judge and get his haggardly self out of the courtroom once and for all. Pro-tem judges are typically used in the absence of another judge for one reason or another. They are used most often when the two District Court Judges in Carson City have a potential conflict of interest. Who better to bring in, in a conflicted situation than......Noel Waters. This is a joke, right?

This page is dedicated to Natasha Jennings who passed away without any explanation while visiting her hometown of Carson City, Nevada. The attempts made by family and friends of Natasha to gain answers were met with stonewalling and strong indications of a cover-up. Without question, an ugly thread of corruption runs strong and deep in Carson City. A friend of Natasha's recently wrote this. His words speak for many.

Christopher Smith said...
I did know Natasha. Fairly well in fact, and I think that the cover-up and stubborn refusal by the criminal system (namely Noel Waters) is an atrocity that is unfortunately a ever-so-constant part of dirty, corrupt politics in states such as Nevada and Arizona. Natasha was a very sweet and smart girl who had big dreams for her future.
I had the fortunate opportunity to get to know her on a personal level and enjoyed the time I spent with her very much. I know that she was her mothers WORLD and witnessed the pain first-hand that this whole injustice did to her (her mother) and the rest of us who knew, loved, and very much respected this very gifted, talented, smart, and beautiful girl.
It makes me sick to my stomach that we all were forced to suffer this kind of pain because of some selfish, pathetic, and corrupt waste of oxygen like Noel Waters. Rest In Peace Natasha. We all still love you and you will always live forever in our hearts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

Loser. Now go away and never come back.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Loser. Now go away and never come back. Well said!

Anonymous said...

HOW DO YOU SPELL LOSER? noel waters!

Anonymous said...

YA-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hey-hey the gangs all here. And it ain't Noel Waters! If this state wanted to use it's ethics board and it's disciplin commission to good use? Look no further than Noel Waters!

HEY NOEL, YOU SUCK! I hope your bosses give you the BOOT Jill Derby lost during her election and shove her lost boot right up your rear end!

Anonymous said...

If I were to walk into a courtroom and see him on the bench I would demand another judge.

Anonymous said...

I think this site should remain up forever if it is free. I believe everything on this site should stay on the site for future cases so that victims are able to come here to learn about these people. I hope the Nevada AG or someone investigates these officials.

Anonymous said...

Is there now any way that the law officials who run Carson City can take Noel Waters in front of the upper level officials and have him hand over his law license? I would really like to see this man out of a court room all together. I agree that he should be investigated for misdeeds and make sure he never has another chance to run for office again.

Anonymous said...

Dear Norbit: I believe now that the election is over and Waters is done for now? It's time to make a spot for all of the GANG MEMBERS and the articles from the appeal regarding gang activity and all of the past gang crimes recorded and on record to be posted / documents onto this website so that the next time there are elections for Judges and District Attorney's THE VOTERS will have a website to refer to for information regarding the candidates.

Start checking on Fidel Fuentes: Title of article: Repeat Offender arrested yada-yada-yada... Just type in Repeat offender and the Fidel Fuentes - and the long list of all of the crime he committed pops up! In To days paper there is an article about a gang fight with more repeat gang offenders listed. Please try adding these articles to this website for the battle for justice in keeping Waters and others the hell out of office.

Anonymous said...

19 guns stolen --

There are many others and it is endless madness!!! Many of these gang bangers have court histories with Noel Waters and Anne Langer. Especially that FIDEL FUENTES case.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!