Long after the murder of Sheila Jo Harris, the new Carson City District Attorney was able to find and convict her murderer through DNA. Unfortunately for Sadie Natasha Jennings, the now defunked District Attorney Noel Waters obstructed every attempt her family made to hold a death inquest. Nevada Revised Statutes require that "an inquest must be held unless the district attorney or a district judge certifies that no inquest is required." It has been 12 years since Natasha's death. She died while visiting her hometown of Carson City in 1997. Minimal investigation was done at the time of her death, despite witness statements that Natasha had been raped 3 days prior to her death. She sustained blunt force trauma to her head. The day she died, she was hiding from her assailant. Coincidence? I think not. Many of her associates have moved away, memories have faded, and evidence have not been preserved. If a death inquest had been held shortly after her death, the chance of solving her case would be greatly increased. Noel Waters made it his mission to block an inquest. He did extend this privilege to one of his employees who was shot to death with a handgun to determine the actual shooter He argued vigorously against a death inquest for Natasha in court. He made promises he didn't keep. He made false statements to the press and to Natasha's family and friends which vilified Natasha, her family, and friends. He humiliated those who tried to give voice for Natasha. He unsuccessfully attempted to sanction the lawyer and a local citizen who offered their help to help Natasha's devastated mother.
Noel Waters talked with Natasha's mother once since her death. The TV show Unsolved Mysteries shot a segment on Natasha's story several years ago and at that time the sheriff's office promised to speak with Natasha's mother. The outcome was Noel Waters prohibiting Sheriff Banister to talk to anyone concerning Natasha. Not even Natasha's mother.
Noel Waters stated publicly that the two people Natasha was staying with during her brief summer visit at the time of her death "want their lives back." Her father and aunt were those two people. Natasha's father produced an affidavit stating otherwise. This was his Waters reasoning to stop inquiries to determine what caused Natasha's death. NATASHA WILL NOT GET HER LIFE BACK. It is questionable that the aunt she was staying with would make a statement like this since law enforcement officials had made just one contact with her. This aunt was the last person to see Natasha alive. This aunt was not aware of the trauma found on Nataha's body.
Natasha was a beautiful, intelligent and vital young woman with a promising future ahead of her. She is loved by many. The very special things about herself, her morality and purity were the very same things that these ignoramus' District Attorney Noel Waters, Coroner Eric Cantlin, and Sheriff Banister attacked. They are protecting something or somebody. It certainly wasn't Natasha.
The Nevada Supreme Court rejected Natasha's mothers request that a grand jury investigate Natasha's death. The judges denied the request, stating that her mother HAD NO RIGHT TO MAKE SUCH A REQUEST BECAUSE SHE IS NOT A CARSON CITY TAXPAYER and also said a grand jury would be to expensive.
REMEMBER THE NEVADA SUPREME COURTS DECISION WHEN YOU ARE DROPPING YOUR DOLLARS IN NEVADA FOLKS. The debauchery does not end at the whore houses, it is tightly woven within the core fabric of Nevada politics. If you visit that state and you seek to address the court, you have NO VOICE there. NO VOICE! You will be shit out of luck. You can be sure that they will prosecute you if you jaywalk or any other infraction to bring more dollars to their coffers. There are a lot of pigs feeding off the public trough - glutenous in consuming taxpayers dollars while providing few protection to others than the Good Old Boys. Also, you can be sure that you'll take a beating, figuratively or literally if you object to their malfeasance in office. The court was petitioned by two Nevada residents, Natasha's mother from California, and the signatures of more than 3,000 persons in Carson County to hold a grand jury investigation. The local District Court denied the request first, and when appealed, the Nevada Supreme Court agreed.
Norbit says: "Mary Wilson has good insight." Referring to the mailbox section letter, Nevada Appeal, Sunday September 5, 1999:
Mother deserves answers in death
I didn't know 16-year-old Natasha Jennings nor do I know any member of her family but everyone I've talked to wonder what really caused her death and the circumstances that surrounds it. Our officials need to provide better answers than they have. They owe it to Natasha's family and the people of Carson City.
According to the Nevada Appeal, an autopsy was performed and they found "no cause of death." Why wasn't an inquest held? Was there a coverup? Was she murdered? If so, why, by whom, and by what means? Did she see too much or did she know too much? Where was her father in this scenario? There are just too many unanswered questions.
As a public official, District Attorney Noel Waters should have handled Tammy Stelton's (Natasha's mother) inquiries with much more compassion.
After all, this was and still is a grieving mother. I wonder how he would feel if, God forbid, something like that happened to someone in his family.
The good ol' boy comraderie of 100 years ago must be put far behind us.
Our Carson City officials must come of age, earn their wages, and get the jobs done that we taxpayers pay for and expect them to do.
Norbit says: "Emory knows what he is talking about." According to the mailbox section of the Nevada Appeal, Sunday, September 12, 1999, by Emory Lee Crews of Carson City.
Grand Jury should be called in teen's death
The article by the Nevada Appeal on Sept. 4, that our district court judges Michael Griffin and Michael Fondi issued an order to deny a grand jury investigation into the death of 16-year old Natasha Jennings is very troublesome.
Although I hold the greatest respect for both of these judges and have never had a quarrel with past judgements, I feel they erred in this particular situation. Basing their decision on the cost to covene the jury is strictly wrong! Their only consideration should be the merits of the case. Has every possible thing been done to determine Natasha's cause of death? Did our district attorney explore every avenue to determine there was no fould play in this incident? How can a healthy 16-year-old die in Carson City, and we are unable to tell the parents why she died?
It seems to me if a mummy in Egypt can be unearthed after 8,000 years and it can be determined what that person died from, we certainly have that means to determine the cause of death of a 16 year-old child in Nevada in 1999.
I hope the people of Carson City exhibit compassion for Natasha's mother by demanding that she be given a reason for her daughter's death. We must not let this investigation slide under the table based on monetary reasons. I, for one, do not want to project that kind of image for our city and its residents.
Norbit says: Read about Nevada judges and keep an eye on Noel Waters political contributors.
If you try to give voice to the dead, the all-powerful, know nothing Noel Waters will try to sue you. That's not very nice....
Written to the Nevada Appeal Wednesday, November 3, 1999
Show some empathy for a mother's plight
I wanted to respond to someone I overheard while enjoying the Nevada Day Parade. A mother was passing around flyers about the mysterious death of her daughter. A woman next to me hit her friend, when they came around with flyers and said, "Let's spend taxpayer's money."
If she is speaking for Nevada or Carson City, she makes me sick to be one of them. If she is speaking for herself, I am happy to announce her daughter was standing beside her, happy and alive.
What a wonderful thing she obviously takes for granted: A LIFE. A human being. Somebody's flesh and blood. Only this California mother no longer has her 16-year-old with her, and to me, it seemed like she only wanted to know why.
So...to the woman that doesn't want to waste her tax money: I feel sorry for you and your family. I hope they are worth all the money in the world.
I know mine are, and I can bet that this other mother's daughter was, too.
Carson City
I remember this case of the poor murdered girl. I remember when a woman had Unsolved Myserties come to Carson City, to feature Natasha Jennings on their show, along with a few other young murdered people across the USA. I remember a former sheriffs office good o'l boy, under our former useless sheriff Rod Banister, when he looked into the camera while standing on the steps of the sheriffs office saying Scott Burau stated = [I promise a full investigation for the mother of this young victim, Natasha Jennings.] Scott Burau never called the mother of Natasha ever again, and the investigation seemed to have stopped on the steps of the Carson City Sheriffs department at that moment.
Later Scott Burau would run for sheriff and end his law career in the early stages of his campaign, not making it out of the primary. In my opinion Scott Burau lied to a mother and a NATION. It was not the only MURDER the Carson City Sheriffs department seemd to have "aided" in keeping from ever being investigated using an open respect for the family of the dead.
These Carson City Law officials were on a hunting trip the whole time they were in office. Sheriff Banister had all of his trophy HEADS of the animals he killed, all over the walls of his office, instead of the SOLVED CASES in frames, of dead young women from his city. There are still others.
This young girls case is a sad one. Why would law people not investigate a case completely? Lazy or incompetent? Whatever the case it is unacceptable.
I did know Natasha. Fairly well in fact, and I think that the cover-up and stubborn refusal by the criminal system (namely Noel Waters) is an atrocity that is unfortunately a ever-so-constant part of dirty, corrupt politics in states such as Nevada and Arizona. Natasha was a very sweet and smart girl who had big dreams for her future.
I had the fortunate opportunity to get to know her on a personal level and enjoyed the time I spent with her very much. I know that she was her mothers WORLD and witnessed the pain first-hand that this whole injustice did to her (her mother) and the rest of us who knew, loved, and very much respected this very gifted, talented, smart, and beautiful girl.
It makes me sick to my stomach that we all were forced to suffer this kind of pain because of some selfish, pathetic, and corrupt waste of oxygen like Noel Waters. Rest In Peace Natasha. We all still love you and you will always live forever in our hearts and prayers.
I am Natasha's mother and I just want to say thank you to all of you who have believed in me and my quest. Noel Waters will have to answer one day for his crimes. He should not be able to run for anything concerning the Law field. He is not man enough to handle such a position. He is weak. And scared. Not the kind of person you would want to have in your Law affairs. It is not over with yet. Justice will be served. I have not forgotten the lies any of them have told. And to that woman who was worried about her tax dollars. None of them have been spent on my daughter so no need to worry. Yet. God don't like ugly. I hope for her sake she is a Godly person. Even though her action don't speak that. I love all of you who have spoken out for my baby. We will see this through to the end. My email address is sadienatasha16@yahoo.com if any of you would like to talk or have any information that will help me in her case. Natasha's mother Tammy Stelton 530-934-3157
i am natasha jennings aunt and i would like to start out by thanking norbit for the work he has done to try and bring justice to natasha. the entire case with natasha has been a debacle. my family was attacked as if we were the criminals not victims. as far as not being nevada tax payers, my family lived in nevada for many years and we paid our fair share of taxes. my father (natasha's grandfather) was a business owner and im sure paid is fair share. i am appalled that a monetary value can be put on a murder victims life. my family was literally attacked by the carson city police department. when we wanted to ask questions we had wants and warrants ran on us. we have been lied to and or character questioned hopefully in light of all the things going on with noel waters there will be justice for natasha before any other young woman is hurt. anyone who would like to see the episode of unsolved mysteries, my sister and myself both have copies. thank you to all people who still believe in justice and god bless norbit. my email address is cgodfrey@live.com
I would just like to say to Dean Hayley, my daughter was my world and still is. She is my Hero. Both of my girls were. I would also like to tell Christopher Smith that it was very kind of him to stand up for my baby like he did with no shame. But it really is easier just being real isn't it.
Speaking of being real. Since so much is already disclosed about my baby, maybe I should devulge some things that have not been touched on. I read on here that the Aunt (Jennings) better known as "Sam" and the father just wanted to have an end to all the maddness with this case. Well I would to if I was trying to hide something. Why doesn't someone ask her since the father killed himself from a what? "DRUG OVERDOSE" Imagine that!!!!What happened to the film that they lied about that belonged to my daughter that they didn't want anyone to see. What was on that film that they didn't want us to see. I sent Detective Steve Johnston over to Clarence and Sandra's apartment to get the film. He came back with one roll of film. I told him there was two. So he went back and got the other roll. Mind you this film had already been developed by her father and aunt. 6 months after that while I was sitting in my home contiplating my next move, while looking at the pictures again I notice something. They were the same roll of film only one picture was bigger than the other but the same pictures. So what happened to the other roll of film? Better yet what was on it? Why did Natasha's father agree to do Unsolved Mysteries only if they promised to leave his sister out of it. Afraid she might break? This was a 16 year old child why didn't the Child Protective Services step in beings they found drugs in the "APARTMENT" but none in my daughters system. Especially since there was still a four year old boy still living in that apartment. Well I will leave you with these thoughts to ponder as I do daily. May God Bless us all.
The police told me and my family that my daughter was on a "five day drunkin, drinking, sex party." That they found drugs in my babies nasal snares. What they called criminalistic evidence. Well, not believing this, I took the Autopsy report to a retired patholigist who said that there was NO DRUGS ANYWHERE ON HER OR IN HER ACCORDING TO THE AUTOPSY. My little girl was just Babtized thirty days before she went to her fathers. Wanted to be a Child Psychologist, was an Honor Roll Student for three years prior to her death. But none of that matters. What does matter is that the Official used her character to excuse themselves for the jobs they didn't do. How does a 26 year old man rape a 16 year old and get away with it? What happened to the evidence that was submitted to the Police Department with the semen from the man who raped my daughter that was taken to the Sherrifs Department as proof she was raped? OH, I forgot it was never entered into evidence. I spoke to every person she was in contact with while there visiting and have those conversations taped and NONE OF THEM said she was using drugs or drinking. They were all like NOT TASH? So where did the police get this story from or did they just make it up as they went along, that my daughter had been drinking and using drugs?
It is funny to me because the first thing they want to know when I come into town is when I am leaving. The One time I spoke to Noel Waters he told me that if I had any questions for me and my family to write those questions on paper and he would sit down and answer them as best he could. So me and my family did just that. Only Noel Waters never did anything. He said he does not have to talk to me its not his job.
I made Eric Cantlin so nervous that even though living in Nevada he contacted the Stockton Record here in California and told her that my oldest daughter died of suspisious causes. When the reporter called me to respond to this I was shocked. I thought to myself does he know something I don't know? Actually I think he was trying to make it look like I was the one who should of been under investigation. To take the heat off of himself I would quess. These are your officials playing with peoples lives and minds.
I am sorry but I still can't get out of my mind about the two people who wanted their lives back, the Aunt and the father. Well that should speak for itself. Not much love there. I wonder if she would be saying the same thing if it were her son they found instead of my daughter. So much for family. Why wasn't either the father or the aunt drug tested since they found the drugs in the house? Not in my daughter stuff but in the aunts house that the father and aunt shared. The other two who resided there were MINORS.
Everybody but the police knew that my daughter was raped even her father who did nothing about that either. So how did the police come to terms that it was concentual? What turned it into a HOMICIDE?
Still no call from the new DA nor from Furlong. But I am sure it is just because they are real busy. Tomorrow I will call both of them again and leave messages for them to contact me again. Next, I will send certifide letters so I can keep all of this documents like I have from day one.
May God Bless you all and keep you safe. Until my next posting. Be careful who you vote for. There may be a day when you may need them.
Tammy, is there anything new? Have you talked to Steve Albertson?
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